The one where Sorenson goes full-on Mr Hyde...
Just look at the way director David Maloney and lighting guy Brian Clemett handle the death of Reig: it's stunning! Some of the directorial and lighting choices made by the production team in Planet of Evil - indeed, in many of the stories of this era - are just as ambitious, creative and ultimately effective as those made by Hollywood. Maloney's camera looks down from up high, giving size and scale to the unseen monster that bears down on Reig. And the use of that huge, monstrous shadow looming over the cowering Melvyn Bedford adds to the brutality of Reig's demise.
At long last, Vishinsky wrests command from the annoying Salamar, who doesn't give up too much of a fight at all. When Vishinsky declares: "I'm taking command!", Salamar just accepts the coup immediately, says something about Vishinsky regretting it, and slumps obediently into second position. It's another example of why Salamar should never have been in control in the first place: he doesn't even put up a fight for his job!