The one where the Doctor loses in a mind-bending contest...
"I can see, I can see again!" exclaims Sarah, before turning around to see the Morbius creature looming over her. She screams and falls back onto the bed. Now wouldn't that have been a far better cliffhanger to part 3 than seeing the monster approach the unwitting Sarah from behind? Just a few more seconds on the end of part 3 would have made it so much better. Although part 3 as it stands is already seven seconds over its time slot, so perhaps some better editing was called for?
It's not long before Mehenderi Solon reveals his true colours when faced with the marauding Morbius monster. "It's Solon, your creator!" he says, before insisting: "I made you!" This is where the Frankenstein parallels reach their peak, with the creature lashing out at its creator, who pleads for mercy. Despite his obvious devotion to Morbius, all Solon has ever really craved is the scientific achievement of bringing Morbius back, and most likely the subsequent recognition. His ego was greater than his devotion, and now he's paying the price.