The one where the Doctor struggles to count to three...
The Doctor is now up and about, making his own way to Castrovalva while Tegan and Nyssa run away from local tribespeople and try to scale the rocks in heels. I do like the little contretemps between the two girls when Nyssa wishes they had a three-micron beam wedge, and Tegan snaps: "Well we haven't!", to which Nyssa shoots back: "I said 'if'!" It's a little moment like that which makes a dramatic situation that bit more truthful, with people annoying one another or taking their frustrations out on each other. They're like two sisters squabbling. Let's face it, Tegan and Nyssa are two very different people, so they're bound to annoy each other from time to time.
The Doctor is taken inside the town of Castrovalva (so it's a town, not a planet then?) by the furry tribespeople, and confronted by a man called Shardovan who's dressed for all the world like the Master, all in black with facial hair. This is actually quite a clever little distraction, making the viewer think about him possibly being the Master, or an agent of his. Actor Derek Waring didn't usually have a moustache, so the look of Shardovan - so dark against the generally pastel hues of his surroundings - is a purposeful attempt to lead the viewer.
The Doctor is now up and about, making his own way to Castrovalva while Tegan and Nyssa run away from local tribespeople and try to scale the rocks in heels. I do like the little contretemps between the two girls when Nyssa wishes they had a three-micron beam wedge, and Tegan snaps: "Well we haven't!", to which Nyssa shoots back: "I said 'if'!" It's a little moment like that which makes a dramatic situation that bit more truthful, with people annoying one another or taking their frustrations out on each other. They're like two sisters squabbling. Let's face it, Tegan and Nyssa are two very different people, so they're bound to annoy each other from time to time.
The Doctor is taken inside the town of Castrovalva (so it's a town, not a planet then?) by the furry tribespeople, and confronted by a man called Shardovan who's dressed for all the world like the Master, all in black with facial hair. This is actually quite a clever little distraction, making the viewer think about him possibly being the Master, or an agent of his. Actor Derek Waring didn't usually have a moustache, so the look of Shardovan - so dark against the generally pastel hues of his surroundings - is a purposeful attempt to lead the viewer.