The one where the Doctor is put on trial by the Megara...
The last thing I expected when I started watching The Stones of Blood was a courtroom drama in space. When the story began, with its covens, sacrificial stones, ravens and mythological references, I didn't expect it all to end on a brightly-lit spaceship with people painted silver and two Tinkerbells fizzing around the bewigged head of the Doctor.
If only the Doctor hadn't broken that seal on the cell door and let the Megara out, much of this tiresome legal drama could be cut out. Sadly, the Doctor did break the seal, so what we get is 20 minutes of rather tedious exchanges between a desperate Doctor (wearing a barrister's wig, for no reason), the smug Vivien, and the two sparkly justice machines. This trial of a Time Lord has none of the scale or gravity of The War Games or Season 23. It's just a couple of quacking fairy lights.