The one where Benton is turned into a primordial creature...
The opening fight between the Doctor, Stahlmann and Sutton at the drill head feels rather underpowered, mainly because you can't clearly tell who is who due to the silly baggy white suits they're wearing (a great disguise for the fact there's a stuntman at work!). There's lots of balletic somersaults too, a fight arrangement which leaves me cold because you simply never see moves such as that in real fights (unless you're in a WWF ring). I just find it silly.
A lot of screen time in this episode is given to Petra and Greg, whose relationship develops at a swift pace once it's revealed the Earth is on a relentless course for destruction. There were hints of an attraction earlier, but here it seems the inevitability of "the final end" brings them closer, breaking down the awkwardness. Petra is the first to show concern for Greg after he's been battered by an iron bar, and things really warm up later on when Greg convinces Petra that there really is no hope, and no help on its way.