The one where Polly masquerades as a prostitute...
Similar to episode 2 (the only Doctor Who episode shown on Christmas Eve to date), this third installment is the only edition of the show to go out on New Year's Eve, so it's fitting that it begins with the unmistakable cry of the bagpipes. Hogmanay! Incidentally, later the same evening, the TARDIS randomly materialises during New Year's Eve celebrations at Trafalgar Square. Well, according to The Daleks' Master Plan episode 8, anyway...!
Generally, everything's just as it has been for the previous two episodes, which is to say generally humdrum but diverting enough. I can't help wondering why writers Gerry Davis and Elwyn Jones didn't set the story just a few days earlier, during the actual Battle of Culloden, as it would have been far more exciting and interesting. As it is, everybody's just stumbling around getting locked up or escaping, which doesn't make for very engrossing drama. The most interesting part of the story is Solicitor Grey's plot to ship the Scottish rebels to the West Indies to become plantation slaves, but even that's taking it's time.