The one where we say farewell to Ian and Barbara...
Aren't the Mechanoids magnificent? I mean, yes, they're incredibly cumbersome creations, and it's hard to see how the Doctor Who production team thought they might become "the new Daleks", but they look amazing. They look solid and formidable, and despite their springy little heads, the design is inspired, like a turtle crossed with a golf ball. The fact they created three Mechanoid casings is even more impressive, seeing as they have so little screen time. They could have been in more episodes of The Chase, and could certainly have returned for a second outing in Season 3 (most appropriately in The Daleks' Master Plan). Sadly, it wasn't to be...
Also impressive is the model of the Mechanoid city. That too looks huge, and you can even see the tiny little Mechanoid models moving along the walkways at one point. It's an intricate, beautiful design, and if I were a child in 1965 I'd have loved a play set of this city for Christmas (this coming from a kid whose most memorable Christmas was the year he got an Ewok Village play set!). Imagine the fun children would have playing with this city and a few Dalek and Mechanoid action models?